The LH fair taking place in Mae La Camp on Thursday 23rd November 2017 is an opportunity to showcase the results of the project āStrengthening capacities and developing sustainable livelihood opportunities for the Myanmar refugees largely encamped along the Thai-Myanmar border in preparation for eventual repatriationā. The project, started in January 2017 for a period of two years, is co-funded by Caritas Spain and the European Union and implemented by COERR.
The aim is developing refugee livelihood skills to promote self-reliance while they live in the camps, thus preparing them for a viable and sustainable life upon returning to their homeland.
50 farmer households and 30 LH groups participated in the fair by selling their products and proudly show how the project is impacting in their lives turning them into providers of goods for the community and for their families.
Furthermore, 15 villagers from 2 Thai villages in Mae Sot area who were also participating in the project by receiving trainings in organic agriculture and farming inputs joined the fair. It is an unique opportunity to create bridges among the refugee and the Thai hosts, share learning and experiences and discuss about the benefits of the project for both communities.

The fair is co-organised by the Camp Committees and different NGOs and will count with the special visit of the European Union Deputy Head of Delegation, Mrs Luisa Ragher.
